March 10, 2020 Test post 5
Right when you were starting to feel good about your Webpack config file Webpack V2 was released and rained on your parade.
March 8, 2018 Test Post 3
Right when you were starting to feel good about your Webpack config file Webpack V2 was released and rained on your parade. Staying on the bleeding edge can get tiresome.
March 13, 2017 Test Post 1!
So how can we get our webpack config back into working shape? For starters we must change `module.loaders` to `module.rules`.
March 10, 2017 Migrating your Webpack config to Webpack V2
Right when you were starting to feel good about your Webpack config file Webpack V2 was released and rained on your parade.
March 8, 2017 TEsting this ish like whoa!
Right when you were starting to feel good about your Webpack config file Webpack V2 was released and rained on your parade. Staying on the bleeding edge can get tiresome.